my plans for 2 months solo trip to Latin America


Hi, there! I just finished my 2-month backpack travel to Latin and South America. So from this blog, I’m going to share my experience through my adventure. Hope you could get some tips or ideas from them!

About ME!

I was very very very super nervous when I started my travel because I’m obviously an Asian, which means I look like a typical tourist, and I’m a woman. So I understand there’re people who have similar anxious just like me. Here’s some of my info so that you can resonate yourself with me.

  • born & raised up in Japan
  • people often say I look like a Chinese, Korean, Japanese ( mostly they say I’m Chinese)
  • a 29-year old female
  • my travel experiences abroad; Australia ( when junior high, exchange student ), Korea ( junior high, with family), New York (solo), Toronto (solo)
  • NEVER traveled as a backpacker
  • speak English and Japanese, nothing others ( no Spanish, Portuguese, etc.)

Purposes of My Trip

I just wanted to travel as many countries as possible, and cheaply. The reasons why I chose the Americas for my trip were they’re very far from Japan and not so far from Toronto, it was a good opportunity for me, and I wanted to see my friends in there. I visited some of my friends in Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and Phoenix. And also I wanted to try something new to me, like food, lifestyle, places, and so on to know what I value and what I don’t.

My Budget

As I was working for the past 5 years back in Japan, I saved some money but not much. I had approximately US$18,000 including everything, for example tax to pay for the Japanese government which is around US$1,800 and some others. But at that time, I’d already spent 3 months studying English in Toronto, so my budget was roughly US$5,500 including EVERYTHING,which means hostels, foods, transportation, tours, etc. And I made it, I did it, and it worked! I even suppose I could have saved a little more.

* I was a BACKPACKER, and love traveling CHEAPLY. I never used star ranked hotels, went to high restaurants, tried to save as much as possible.

When I Started Planning the Trip

To begin with, I must tell you that I’m one of the most unprepared person for anything in the world. I suddenly decide anything without detailed plans, and just do it. So I don’t think you should follow my ways, but sometimes that happens to everyone. Something pushes and urges you to something. So… it’s just my way which luckily worked with me at that time.

  • Started thinking about backpacker travel in July, just thought, did nothing
  • Asked my friends where to visit in the Americas in August
  • Shopping for a backpack & a pair of hiking shoes and etc, in late August
  • Started booking 3 days before the departure date *just booked 2 megabus for my first place, and a hostel for the first night
  • DEPARTED at Toronto on September 9th

My Original Plans

I thought 2 months would be good enough to travel around the Americas when I started it but now I know it’s never enough. Anyway, this is my first plan.

I planed kinda this trip but you know, I didn’t travel like this. It’s impossible!

How I Traveled – Basic Ideas –

Because I was on a budget and didn’t have any specific plans, I had some my own rules. *And I usually go with the flow.

  • Use buses as much as possible
  • Live day by day
  • Don’t have detailed plans
  • Book anything 1 or 2 day(s) before it
  • Use hostels, not hotels
  • Safety first

It may sound strange that I prefered cheap travel but valued safety, but I used a little better long- distance buses because they’re safer and the price is not so different from cheaper ones, because of the exchange rates between Japanese Yen or Canadian dollar and other domestic currency.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
In the next article, I’m going to share what I brought with me for this backpack trip!
