6 things you should wear in winter in Toronto


Hi, there! I’m Saori.

It’s getting colder and colder here in Toronto… 2 days ago, it snowed all day and we still have 10-15cm snow on the sidewalk. Prepare for winter and enjoy the snowy days!

1, winter coat

Needless to say, a good, warm winter coat is very very important. I asked my Canadian friends what kind of coat helps me to survive, and these are what you should know before getting one for yourself.

  • water proof
  • with good temperature rating ( -20° or more )
  • fluffy
  • high-neck or with hood
  • sleeves with thick cloth

Water proof and temperature rating are essential points to check because you must prevent get wet from snow and sometimes it gets -30° or colder here in Toronto.

If you fell fluffy when you touch coats, that means the one can contain warm air inside which keeps you warm. It’s the same reason why down jackets are warm.

You must protect your neck, face and head from wind chill. For me, I feel my ears will get frozen when I’m waiting for a bus on the street. So high-neck or hood will save you.

I don’t know how to express it, but if you see the sleeves of coats, you’ll soon find if it has cloth or another sleeve attached to the coat sleeve. That part is super beneficial to keep warm air inside and prevent cold air coming inside.

2, snow boots

You should get BOOTS, not rain/ water proof shoes because you’ll easily get wet while walking IN snow. It’s early November now, but we have 10-15 cm snow around the city, so to keep your legs, pants or skirts dry, a pair of high boots is a must.

3, winter hat, earmuffs

To protect your ears makes you feel comfortable. I personally don’t like earmuffs because they give me headache, so I prefer to wear a beanie. Anyway, keep your ears and head warm. That small thing makes a difference.

This kind of hat is beanie.

4, gloves / mittens

Just like ears, fingers or hands get cold very easily. It’s often said mittens are warmer than gloves. Some people don’t like mittens because they’re a little bothersome when texting, calling, browsing… so just choose what you feel like.

5, boot socks

In Oriental medicine, it’s said ‘3 necks are important’. 3 necks means neck, wrists, and ankles. ( In Japanese, wrist is ‘hand neck’, and ankle is ‘leg or feet neck’. lol) Again, cold air sneaks into your warm clothing, so just shut it out with thick boot socks.

6, thermal underwear

Layer is the most important tips to dress up properly. Thermal underwear will help you a lot to keep you warm, make you look slimmer, and prevent you from getting wet.

In Japan, UNIQLO is the most popular in terms of thermal wear. I’m not quite sure what brand is No.1, but you can find one at sports wear shops, shopping malls, discount shops, everywhere here in Toronto. I read some articles or blogs recommending Patagonia, a mountain brand.

winter scarves – additional

I love to wear scarves because I can wear one around my face so that my nose or cheeks don’t get cold. But if your coat or jacket cover your neck and face, it’s not essential. The purpose is to protect your face!

My friends and homestay family always tell me to “wear properly”. It’s not as scary as you imagine, so prepare well and enjoy!
